This Webpage ( ) is the Homepage of a shadow website,  for the most current version of the file  .
(June 26, 2007:     The website, :  will shortly contain    this most current version.)  

This Webpage [in its most current version] supplements the JuneAction event (June 26, 2007) flyer:


Help to Free Victims of Day and Night Electromagnetic Weapons R+D/ ‘Testing’, Torture, and Assault

Did you know?    -   Did you know:    Hundreds of Innocent Citizens (+ some experimented on in prisons, + others) are targeted by Ongoing Non-

Consensual ‘Testing’/Experimentation, using Electromagnetic [“EM”] Weapons and EM technology, on the human body and brain, typically day

and night ?     -   That:  many are Harassed, Tormented, and/or (sometimes) Tortured, day + night!, every day, by this U.S. Gov’t

R+D+Testing+Evaluation Program  ?

-   That:  it’s censored (as a Defense/ Intelligence /Investigative Technology), with almost no publicity  (exceptions: USNews+WR, 7/7/97, cover

story,  “Wonder Weapons”;  Wash. Post 1/14/07, Sunday Mag., cover story,  “Mind Games”)  ?         

     -   That:  A Federal Advisory Committee (“ACHRE”) recommended (10/95) to:  enact Protections from Secret Experiments [Rec. # 15] ?       -

That:   “Under current rule, and executive order, it is possible to waive informed consent  for Secret Human Experiments [quote: U.S. Senator Glenn,

Intro. Remarks (1/22/97) to S.193; bill did not pass;  co-sponsors: Kennedy, Lieberman, + 3]  ?      -   That:  President Clinton ordered (3/27/97) a

change to a Protective Federal Policy (on classified human experiments),  but it was  ‘somehow’ blocked before he left office.   No action by Bush!  (-

surprised?)  ?     -   That: U.S. Rep. DeGette 4x (e.g., 6/2006) re-proposed a bill with a funding Ban on secret experiments without consent  ?  +

That:   U.S. Rep. Kucinich dared to propose (10/01) a bill Banning space weapons, including “electromagnetic”, “psychotronic”, and, “mind

control  weapons  ?

              Make a Difference  -  Complain Individually   ;   Bring your local Const. Rights/ HRts/ Anti-Torture org. to  Petition   +  Speak Out

Against It    , + for Protective Legislation! (+ Investigation).      [ This flyer is supplemented by:  ]


Help to Free Victims of Day and Night Electromagnetic Weapons R+D/ ‘Testing’, Torture, and Assault

Did you know?    -   Did you know:    Hundreds of Innocent Citizens (+ some experimented on in prisons, + others) are targeted by Ongoing Non-

Consensual ‘Testing’/Experimentation, using Electromagnetic [“EM”] Weapons and EM technology, on the human body and brain, typically day

and night ?     -   That:  many are Harassed, Tormented, and/or (sometimes) Tortured, day + night!, every day, by this U.S. Gov’t

R+D+Testing+Evaluation Program  ?

-   That:  it’s censored (as a Defense/ Intelligence /Investigative Technology), with almost no publicity  (exceptions: USNews+WR, 7/7/97, cover

story,  “Wonder Weapons”;  Wash. Post 1/14/07, Sunday Mag., cover story,  “Mind Games”)  ?         

     -   That:  A Federal Advisory Committee (“ACHRE”) recommended (10/95) to:  enact Protections from Secret Experiments [Rec. # 15] ?       -

That:   “Under current rule, and executive order, it is possible to waive informed consent  for Secret Human Experiments [quote: U.S. Senator Glenn,

Intro. Remarks (1/22/97) to S.193; bill did not pass;  co-sponsors: Kennedy, Lieberman, + 3]  ?      -   That:  President Clinton ordered (3/27/97) a

change to a Protective Federal Policy (on classified human experiments),  but it was  ‘somehow’ blocked before he left office.   No action by Bush!  (-

surprised?)  ?     -   That: U.S. Rep. DeGette 4x (e.g., 6/2006) re-proposed a bill with a funding Ban on secret experiments without consent  ?  +

That:   U.S. Rep. Kucinich dared to propose (10/01) a bill Banning space weapons, including “electromagnetic”, “psychotronic”, and, “mind

control  weapons  ?

              Make a Difference  -  Complain Individually   ;   Bring your local Const. Rights/ HRts/ Anti-Torture org. to  Petition   +  Speak Out

Against It    , + for Protective Legislation! (+ Investigation).      [ This flyer is supplemented by:  ]


Help to Free Victims of Day and Night Electromagnetic Weapons R+D/ ‘Testing’, Torture, and Assault

Did you know?    -   Did you know:    Hundreds of Innocent Citizens (+ some experimented on in prisons, + others) are targeted by Ongoing Non-

Consensual ‘Testing’/Experimentation, using Electromagnetic [“EM”] Weapons and EM technology, on the human body and brain, typically day

and night ?     -   That:  many are Harassed, Tormented, and/or (sometimes) Tortured, day + night!, every day, by this U.S. Gov’t

R+D+Testing+Evaluation Program  ?

-   That:  it’s censored (as a Defense/ Intelligence /Investigative Technology), with almost no publicity  (exceptions: USNews+WR, 7/7/97, cover

story,  “Wonder Weapons”;  Wash. Post 1/14/07, Sunday Mag., cover story,  “Mind Games”)  ?         

     -   That:  A Federal Advisory Committee (“ACHRE”) recommended (10/95) to:  enact Protections from Secret Experiments [Rec. # 15] ?       -

That:   “Under current rule, and executive order, it is possible to waive informed consent  for Secret Human Experiments [quote: U.S. Senator Glenn,

Intro. Remarks (1/22/97) to S.193; bill did not pass;  co-sponsors: Kennedy, Lieberman, + 3]  ?      -   That:  President Clinton ordered (3/27/97) a

change to a Protective Federal Policy (on classified human experiments),  but it was  ‘somehow’ blocked before he left office.   No action by Bush!  (-

surprised?)  ?     -   That: U.S. Rep. DeGette 4x (e.g., 6/2006) re-proposed a bill with a funding Ban on secret experiments without consent  ?  +

That:   U.S. Rep. Kucinich dared to propose (10/01) a bill Banning space weapons, including “electromagnetic”, “psychotronic”, and, “mind

control  weapons  ?

              Make a Difference  -  Complain Individually   ;   Bring your local Const. Rights/ HRts/ Anti-Torture org. to  Petition   +  Speak Out

Against It    , + for Protective Legislation! (+ Investigation).      [ This flyer is supplemented by:  ]


Help to Free Victims of Day and Night Electromagnetic Weapons R+D/ ‘Testing’, Torture, and Assault

Did you know?    -   Did you know:    Hundreds of Innocent Citizens (+ some experimented on in prisons, + others) are targeted by Ongoing Non-

Consensual ‘Testing’/Experimentation, using Electromagnetic [“EM”] Weapons and EM technology, on the human body and brain, typically day

and night ?     -   That:  many are Harassed, Tormented, and/or (sometimes) Tortured, day + night!, every day, by this U.S. Gov’t

R+D+Testing+Evaluation Program  ?

-   That:  it’s censored (as a Defense/ Intelligence /Investigative Technology), with almost no publicity  (exceptions: USNews+WR, 7/7/97, cover

story,  “Wonder Weapons”;  Wash. Post 1/14/07, Sunday Mag., cover story,  “Mind Games”)  ?          

     -   That:  A Federal Advisory Committee (“ACHRE”) recommended (10/95) to:  enact Protections from Secret Experiments [Rec. # 15] ?       -

That:   “Under current rule, and executive order, it is possible to waive informed consent  for Secret Human Experiments [quote: U.S. Senator Glenn,

Intro. Remarks (1/22/97) to S.193; bill did not pass;  co-sponsors: Kennedy, Lieberman, + 3]  ?      -   That:  President Clinton ordered (3/27/97) a

change to a Protective Federal Policy (on classified human experiments),  but it was  ‘somehow’ blocked before he left office.   No action by Bush!  (-

surprised?)  ?     -   That: U.S. Rep. DeGette 4x (e.g., 6/2006) re-proposed a bill with a funding Ban on secret experiments without consent  ?  +

That:   U.S. Rep. Kucinich dared to propose (10/01) a bill Banning space weapons, including “electromagnetic”, “psychotronic”, and, “mind

control  weapons  ?

              Make a Difference  -  Complain Individually   ;   Bring your local Const. Rights/ HRts/ Anti-Torture org. to  Petition   +  Speak Out

Against It    , + for Protective Legislation! (+ Investigation).      [ This flyer is supplemented by:  ]


Supplementation to the above flyer:
     -   The July 7, 1997 U.S. News & Report, cover story article, on “Wonder Weapons”, appears at:

          The January 14, 2007, Washington Post, Sunday magazine, cover story article on “Mind Games” appears at [text only]:

         [ Readers comments to that article (many are of victims) appear at:
            A  January 16, 2007 online “live” discussion with the author of that article appears at:

     -   U.S. Senator Glenn’s bill on Human Experimentation  (S.193, 105th U.S. Congress),  can be found at:
          [   U.S. Senator Glenn’s Introductory Remarks [of January 22, 1997] in proposing S.193 appear at:

          President Clinton’s March 27, 1997 Memorandum/ Administrative Order, “Strengthened Protections for Human Subjects of Classified Human Research”,  [Federal Registger, May 13, 1997, pp. 26367-26372], which attempted to institute a governmentwide Ban on Non-Consensual U.S. Classified Human Research, appears at: 

          U.S. Representative Kucinich’s bill to Ban Space Weapons (H.R.2977, 107th U.S. Congress), can be found at:
           [  U.S. Representative DeGette most recent:  bill concerning Human Experimentation (H.R. 5578, 109th U.S. Congress), which includes a proposed Ban on federal funding of classified human research;,  can be found at: 
         ”. ]

          [ The October 1995 final Report of the federal Advisory Committee on Human Radiations Experiments [ACHRE], which is cited in each of:   Senator Glenn’s S.193,  and, President Clinton’s March 27, 1997 Administrative Order;,  including Recommendation 15 (which includes their recommending “
the adoption of a federal policy  requiring the informed consent of all human subjects of classified research and that this requirement not be subject to exemption or waiver”), appears at: 
          , with Recommendation 15 appearing at:

    -   There are a number of websites which report upon this Crime for victims, and for concerned citizens:
         - , includes scholarly articles on the matter;
         - contains much information about this Crime, including a “Victims” sections, with victimization stories of over 100 victims;
         - , is an informative victims’ website;


     -    The follow are example Petitions to use or modify, and to send:
           -    PetitionExample1_0607.htm ;

           -    PetitionExample2_0607.htm  [see last page for Petition];


This Webpage ( ) is the Homepage of a shadow website,  for the most current version of the file  .
(June 26, 2007:     The website, :  will shortly contain    this most current version.)  

This Webpage [in its most current version] supplements the JuneAction event (June 26, 2007) flyer: